Classes & Programs
The karate program provides training in Tiida Ryu “ Shorinryu” Karate. The goal of this program is to provide exercise based on karate as it is taught in Okinawa, the origin of karate. The benefits of training the body and spirit are:
- Increased Endurance
- Improved Mobility and Flexibility
- Increased Self-Esteem
- Self Defense
The instructor, Fred Christian; is a 9th degree master and the highest ranking in the world in Tiida Ryu. Training since 1968, including many trips to Okinawa; most of Fred’s Black Belts have 20 to 40 years of training.
Tuesday and Thursday: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 11:00am
BHSC Contact
bHSC H0urs
Monday - Thursday: 5am - 9:00pm
Friday: 5am - 6pm
Saturday - Sunday: 7am - 3pm